Monday, 17 September 2018

How to change EBS R12 Database and Application Port Number

Recently we had faced the application port blocking issue in oracle EBS R12.
We had follow the below steps to resolve this issue...

Execute the below in Application Tier:

Run adpreclone on Application Tier
   $ perl ./ appsTier

Execute the following on the Database Tier:

Logon as oracle database user and set envirnoment variable for R12 RDBMS ORACLE_HOME

Start the database instance for which you want to change R12 port

Backup contextfile

Change as below parameters values in the contextfile

        dbport  : Change database port from 1521 to 1531
        cmanport : 1521 to 1531

Run on Database Tier

And also change the port in listener.ora & tnsnames.ora file.

Again Execute the following in Application Tier:

Logon as application user and set environment variable for R12.

Backup context file

Stop all oracle services for Applications by running "".

Run adcfgclone and choose new port pool
   $ cd $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin
   $ perl ./ appsTier

Check new application URL

SQL> select home_url from icx_parameters;


ORA-12152 "Unable To Send Break Message" on Connection

When trying to login to the database from a client(Toad, SQL Developer) when using a Cisco GSS and a CSM (Content Switch Module) the connection fails to complete or fails before receiving any data with a network related Error: ORA-12152 "Unable To Send Break Message"
Solution: To resolve such an issue, make sure all switches or firewalls are set to the highest possible value and test. Once all connections are successful, the idle time limit can be tuned downward to a value that won't cause an interruption. This type of configuration would normally be handled by the Network Administrator of a system so this information should be passed on to them for actioning.
Ref:ORA-12152 "Unable To Send Break Message" on Connection [ID 363638.1]
Error: ORA-12152 "Unable To Send Break Message"
Cause: Unable to send break message. Connection probably disconnected.
Action: Re-establish connection. If the error is persistent, turn tracing and re-execute the operation.
Or you can try this:
Add SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME to the database sqlnet.ora file. This is the file located $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory or the directory specified by
The EXPIRE_TIME should be set to the highest value possible that is within the firewall idle connection timeout, to limit the amount of network traffic generated.
For example if the firewall timeout is 20 minutes set: SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME=15