Thursday, 17 November 2016

Unable To Avoid Potential Divide By Zero Situation

Most of time oracle developer facing this type of issue while they have been doing report development activity.
Unable To Avoid Potential Divide By Zero Situation

Please speak with your in-house developer about this error and try to fix it within the rtf template.

The following syntax will avoid a potential divide by zero situation:

<?if: VALUE2=0?>0<?end if?><?if: VALUE2!=0?><?VALUE1 div VALUE2?><?end if?>

This will not fail if VALUE2 does have the value zero (0).


Unable To Avoid Potential Divide By Zero Situation Using If-then-else Construct (Doc ID 429808.1)

Unable to Find the Concurrent Request Output Post Processor (OPP) Service

AQs tables are used to look for "subscriptions" by FNDSMs. That is, when ICM calls for FNDSM to start, they "subscribe" to this queue to identify its status. The time taking for the process cleanup prior to the ICM starting up the regular CMs is correlated to the number of processes that were not stopped cleanly. In case of un-clean shutdown, the process to restart will be longer as manager spends extra cycles to perform housekeeping tasks.

A permanent solution is to schedule a cron job or something which queries records in APPLSYS.FND_CP_GSM_OPP_AQTBL to monitor it and use DBMS_AQADM.PURGE_QUEUE_TABLE to purge the table as needed.

The issue has been resolved after we implemented the solution from DOC- How To Purge FND_AQ Tables ( Doc ID 1156523.1 )  

Also check
Increase the value of following profiles:
Concurrent:OPP Process Timeout
Concurrent:OPP Response Timeout