Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Automatic content re-sizing in BI publisher reports

Oracle developer sometime facing the issue content re-sizing not done automatically in RTF templet. we have  provide the solution for this problem. 

Step 1: select whole rtf layout and open table properties 


Step 2: Uncheck  row size and repeat headers options.

Oracle BI Publisher - How to format numbers as text so that leading zeroes don't dissappear

When creating an Oracle BI Publisher rdf template in Microsoft Word, with intended output to Microsoft Excel; is there a way to format numbers as text so that leading zeroes don't disappear? I would like to print out telephone numbers and they have values such as 0215551234; where I want the leading zero to show. In BI Publisher this shows as 215551234.

You can put the following in form field help text

<fo:bidi-override direction="ltr" unicode-bidi="bidi-override"><?YOUR_TEL_FIELD?></fo:bidi-override>

Check --Force LTR option

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Useful Queries for Checking Concurrent Requests and Programs

Query:For checking the concurrent programs running currently with Details of Processed time-- and Start Date

 SELECT DISTINCT c.USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME,round(((sysdate-a.actual_start_date)*24*60*60/60),2) AS Process_time,
 a.request_id,a.parent_request_id,a.request_date,a.actual_start_date,a.actual_completion_date,(a.actual_completion_date-a.request_date)*24*60*60 AS end_to_end,
 (a.actual_start_date-a.request_date)*24*60*60 AS lag_time,d.user_name, a.phase_code,a.status_code,a.argument_text,a.priority
FROM   apps.fnd_concurrent_requests a,apps.fnd_concurrent_programs b,apps.FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS_TL c,apps.fnd_user d
WHERE  a.concurrent_program_id=b.concurrent_program_id AND b.concurrent_program_id=c.concurrent_program_id AND
a.requested_by=d.user_id AND status_code='R' order by Process_time desc;

Tablespace Usage and free space with PCT

select tbs.tablespace_name,
tot.bytes/(1024*1024) "Total Space in MB",
round(tot.bytes/(1024*1024)- sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/(1024*1024),2) "Used in MB",
round(sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/(1024*1024),2) "Free in MB",
round((1-sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/tot.bytes)*100,2) Pct,
greatest((1-sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/tot.bytes)*100, 90),
90, '', '*'
) Pct_warn
from dba_free_space fre,
(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes
from dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name) tot,
dba_tablespaces tbs
where tot.tablespace_name = tbs.tablespace_name
and fre.tablespace_name(+) = tbs.tablespace_name
group by tbs.tablespace_name, tot.bytes/(1024*1024), tot.bytes
order by 5 desc, 1 ; 

Query to find Concurrent Program in custom top

Use Below Query to find Concurrent Program in custom top :

SELECT fa.application_short_name,
DECODE (fcpv.execution_method_code,
'B', 'Request Set Stage Function',
'Q', 'SQL*Plus',
'H', 'Host',
'L', 'SQL*Loader',
'A', 'Spawned',
'I', 'PL/SQL Stored Procedure',
'P', 'Oracle Reports',
'S', 'Immediate',
) exe_method,
output_file_type, program_type, printer_name,
minimum_length, concurrent_program_name,
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcpv, fnd_application fa
WHERE fcpv.application_id = fa.application_id
and fa.application_short_name like <CUSTOM_TOP>
ORDER BY description